Recently, I bought Kari Jobe's self titled cd and it is amazing! She is an international worship leader and song writer out of Dallas, Texas. I discovered her cd searching through itunes for some good Christian tunes to download onto my ipod. I listened to a couple of her songs and ended up buying her entire album. She has written such song as "No Sweeter Name" and "Pure." I visited her website today (which was adorable) and read up on her and even watched an interview. She seems like such a sweet, humble person with a heart for ministry. So, if you are looking for some drivin' tunes that will be an inspiration buy her cd! You can also join her fanclub on facebook...just search Kari Jobe.
My favorite song thus far is "Be Still." I love the lyrics and the melody.
He is here for the broken and life to the one who is undone.
He is peace to the wounded and hope for the helpless.
He is here. He is here.
Be still, my soul, be still. Be still, my soul, be still.
Wait patiently upon the Lord.
Be still, my soul, be still.
When the waves rise against me, and the wind tries to draw me away
I will stand on the mountain and safe in your arms, I will sing.
On another note...the movie was okay...I would give it three stars out of five.