In less than 8 days, Jeff and I, hopefully, will be able to find out if we will be parents of a handsome baby boy or a little princess...(that is, if, Baby S cooperates :) So, being the planner that I am...I've been looking for bedding for the nursery. Here is what Jeff and I have come up with...

For a "little man"

Above: Baby girl's room (not that crazy about the bedskirt)

Below: Baby girl...we would have to have a chandelier! I also really like the bed, but in Espresso.

Below: Baby Boy

Below: One of my top favorites for a girl's room

Below: Another one of my top favorites!

Below: This is my favorite bedding of all! I would love to do this for a boy's room! I think I could also make it work for a little girl...maybe change the fabric on the bedskirt. I would also do the crib sheet in a different color.

Decisions...decisions...decisions!!! Which is your favorite?
I'm a big fan of the Orange! ha! I love pottery barn, but what I do not like and you find this with a lot of baby bedding is they have short bedskirts... so when the baby in an infant and you have the bed raised all the way to the top you can see under the bedskirt (it doesnt hit the floor) ... we ordered the fabric and had all of our stuff custom made w/ Colton and w/ this one too. There is a lady in M'boro that does an awesome job - she did all of Theresa's stuff... and I don't think she is very expensive. This way you can get EXACTLY what you want all over. If you need a glider rocker let me know... Brooks Furniture can hook you up ;)
Thanks Summer! I'm suppose to meet up with Theresa next week so I'll ask her. Thanks again!
I really love the sports bedding for the boy, and the big polka dots bedding for the girl.
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