February 8, 2010 (8 weeks)-This was our first appointment with our "baby doctor". Our appointment went great and we met our nurse practitioner, Stephanie, and one of our doctors, Dr. BH (for privacy reasons, I won't be posting our doctors' names, but I should say that it is odd that our fertility doctor, and both baby doctors names start with H's so I will be including their first initial or else it would be Dr. H1, Dr. H2 and Dr. H3...too confusing for me!) I really liked Dr. BH and expected him to be older, however he is in his early 40's. Oh well...as long as he knows what he is doing and takes care of us...I don't mind :) This appointment was also pretty cool because we were able to actually hear the heartbeat (160 bpm) for the first time and we had another u/s done and got to see Baby S as a little bean. The u/s pic was a little clearer than the one we had with our fertility doctor...so, I could actually make out what part was Baby S :) After the u/s we went over our family history and our genetic testing we had done last pregnancy and that was followed by more bloodwork...which BTW...I am pretty used to doing. I've been giving myself shots in the stomach 2x a day ever since I was about 4 weeks pregnant. I was suspected of having a blood clotting disorder...which is a long story, but I've been tested 3 times and the test came back positive with the first pregnancy, negative when I wasn't pregnant, and positive again this pregnancy. So, who knows? Everything is going great and the blood thinning shots are helping me to not have a blood clot. Besides, I'm putting my trust in the ultimate doctor :)
February 22, 2010 (10 weeks)-The purpose of this appointment was just to ease my mind...so the appointment didn't last very long. My doctors and I agreed that I would come back two weeks after our first appointment since we had a previous miscarriage just to make sure everything was progressing accordingly. I greatly appreciated that and was very relieved to see Baby S and hear his/her heartbeat again. Baby S actually looked like a little baby this time, however, we didn't get any pictures :(
March 15, 2010 (13 weeks)-Jeff was out of town this week and was unable to go to the doctor with me so my mother went with me, and of course, we did a little shopping afterwards! Jeff and I both hated that he had to miss the appointment but it was nice to see my mom's reaction to the little one for the first time. This appointment's u/s lasted longer because it was time for our first trimester screening and the the tech had to check the heart, spine and other things. Thankfully, everything was great on the u/s and the bloodwork came back normal also. Overall, it was pretty amazing. Baby S jumped around, showed us his/her backside and raised their arm...plus...we heard the heartbeat again (144 bpm) . It was pretty cool to watch Baby S move around and turn away from us...I think we were disturbing his/her nap time:) The u/s tech said that the baby moving around a lot was a good sign and was exactly what she was wanting to see. Once again, I was so thankful that everything was great. "Thank you God!"

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