A couple of weeks ago we went to the doctor to find out that my fluid level (amniotic fluid) had went from 15 to 6.7 in two weeks. Jeff and I were scared to death at the thought of Mason coming way earlier than expected. Once the fluid level gets below 5, the doctor said they would watch more closely and if it continued to get low...Mason would have to be delivered. Needless to say, I was a wreck and went straight home and packed my bags and started semi-bedrest for the next several days and began my regiment of 64 oz. of water per day. I continued with counting Mason's kicks a couple of times a day and he continued to be as active as always. We went back to the doctor several days later to check the fluid level again and it had gone back up to 13. PRAISE GOD!!! The u/s technician double checked Mason's kidneys, the blood flow through the umbilical cord, placenta and other major stuff and everything was perfect! The docs concluded that I was dehydrated. However, we believe God answered our prayer and the prayers of others who were praying for us.
My fluid level last Thursday at 34 weeks, had dropped a little (9) but the doctor said, that at this point in pregnancy, that was normal. Jeff and I believe that we might be seeing Mason in the next 2-3 weeks. If he's like his Daddy...he will be early and if he's like his Momma...he will be right on time...or late;) Regardless of when he decides to make his entrance...we can't wait to meet him! Continue to keep us in your prayers as we grow more and more anxious!
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