Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fragile Reminders
A lot is going on in our house these days...but sometimes there are things that happen and is God's way of saying..."slow down and spend sometime with me." For example, the passing of my grandmother. It has made me take time and appreciate the time I had with her and other elders in my life. It makes me appreciate my own mother even more than what I already did...if that is even possible. Recently, I also found out that a very dear friend of mine suffered a miscarriage last week. Both situations are reminders that life is fragile. Both situations remind me of a loss that I experienced not so long ago. Today, it reminds me to take one day at a time, and to be thankful each day that Mason is doing great and that I need to continue to pray for his health and safe arrival. I have talked with my friend, and I know that she will be okay, but she needs prayers and time to deal with her loss. When I had my miscarriage, people would tell me that time would heal my hurt, which is somewhat true, but I believe that it's God...and only God, that can, truly, heal our wounds and mend our broken hearts. Please remember my friend and her family in your prayers as they grieve their loss and pray for a healthy pregnancy for her soon. Continue to remember my mom and also our pastor who lost his mother this week.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
And the Madness begins...
We are back from the beach a couple of days early. My grandmother, (my mom's mother), passed away on Sunday. It hasn't been the easiest of days, but everyone seems to be doing okay. Just continue to remember my mom in your prayers.
Now that we are back...the madness begins! Mason will be here in less than 12 weeks and we have finally started on his nursery. The crazy thing is...not only are we painting and putting down new carpet in his room, but we are also doing those things in our bedroom and guest bedroom. Yep! We're crazy! Thursday, Jeff and I went to Lowe's and picked out two ceiling fans/lights for the nursery and our room. We've also ordered the carpet and it should be here soon. The carpet is scheduled to be put down the week of the 5th and Jeff's mother and step-father are coming Monday night to start painting the rooms...also I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday....SHEW! We have yet to pick out Mason's crib so that is a priority on Wednesday...and I need to stop by the fabric store and pick up some ribbon for a project I am doing. Luckily, I do not have to worry about the material mom and I ordered for curtains because it came in before we left for the beach. It's so cute! Now, I really can't wait to see the bedding! Here are the fabric swatches...

I forgot to mention that at my last doctor's appointment Mom and I went into the gift shop while we were waiting on Jeff to get the car and found the cutest little lion for Mason's room. We didn't buy him, but on his tag he had a website where he could be ordered. I checked out the website and ended up ordering him on ebay...oh, how I love ebay! So, here is Mason's bed buddy..."Leo" the lion.

For the 3rd Wedding Anniversary the gift is suppose to be leather...so, I got Jeff a leather watch and he got me a beautiful family photo album and maternity pictures!!! The photographer is a local gal and has done some photos for some family and people I work with...I can't wait to see what she has in store for Mason and I!!! Hopefully, we can have them done before our shower on the 17th!
Speaking of shower...the theme for the shower is "King of the Jungle." It's super cute! Thanks mom!

Now that we are back...the madness begins! Mason will be here in less than 12 weeks and we have finally started on his nursery. The crazy thing is...not only are we painting and putting down new carpet in his room, but we are also doing those things in our bedroom and guest bedroom. Yep! We're crazy! Thursday, Jeff and I went to Lowe's and picked out two ceiling fans/lights for the nursery and our room. We've also ordered the carpet and it should be here soon. The carpet is scheduled to be put down the week of the 5th and Jeff's mother and step-father are coming Monday night to start painting the rooms...also I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday....SHEW! We have yet to pick out Mason's crib so that is a priority on Wednesday...and I need to stop by the fabric store and pick up some ribbon for a project I am doing. Luckily, I do not have to worry about the material mom and I ordered for curtains because it came in before we left for the beach. It's so cute! Now, I really can't wait to see the bedding! Here are the fabric swatches...

I forgot to mention that at my last doctor's appointment Mom and I went into the gift shop while we were waiting on Jeff to get the car and found the cutest little lion for Mason's room. We didn't buy him, but on his tag he had a website where he could be ordered. I checked out the website and ended up ordering him on ebay...oh, how I love ebay! So, here is Mason's bed buddy..."Leo" the lion.
For the 3rd Wedding Anniversary the gift is suppose to be leather...so, I got Jeff a leather watch and he got me a beautiful family photo album and maternity pictures!!! The photographer is a local gal and has done some photos for some family and people I work with...I can't wait to see what she has in store for Mason and I!!! Hopefully, we can have them done before our shower on the 17th!
Speaking of shower...the theme for the shower is "King of the Jungle." It's super cute! Thanks mom!

Friday, June 25, 2010
Exciting News!!!
I am pleased to announce that my little brother is FINALLY engaged!!! He popped the question early last Tuesday morning while he and Heather were walking on the beach! Wow! Who would've thought that he would be so romantic! Corey, just kidding...you know I love ya! Congrats to the two of you!!! Heather, I am so glad to have you as a sister-in-law. You'll be Mason's aunt "HeHe"! Welcome to the family!!! Tonight, we will be celebrating a lot at Ruth's Chris!!!
Big Birthday Boy!

He loves the Lord and strives everyday to become a better man. Personally, I don't think he has that much to work on...except for maybe remembering to close drawers and cabinet doors behind him:)
He loves me and Mason and has already started to put us first.
He is very good at what he does and he works extremely hard to provide for us and help young men to make the right decisions.
We get along great and love to spend most of our time together...doing nothing...and he loves that as much as I do:)
He loves our families and loves spending time with them whether it is going on vacation, golfing, out to eat, or other crazy family gatherings.
He makes me want to be a better person...and for that I am thankful:)
He is the best husband and is already a great Daddy:)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
3 Years...And It Keeps Getting Better
Three years ago today...

Three years ago today, I was getting ready to marry my best friend:) Our wedding day was everything I imagined it to be and so much more. It's hard to believe that it's just been three years. It seems I have known Jeff my entire life. I can't even imagine what life was like before him. I know is corny to say, but he really does complete who I am. Right now, as you are reading this, we are enjoying our last vacation as a little family of two (plus we are here with about 23 members of my family:) The next time we take a vacation there will be a little one in tow!
Thank you Lord for blessing our marriage these past three years. We ask for your favor and pray that you continue to hold us in the palm of your hand.
Jeff, I am thankful for our wonderful marriage and the relationship we have. Truly, you are my best friend and the one, and only, person I want to grow old with. I look forward to starting this new chapter as parents...I love you and Happy Anniversary! This year's gift is suppose to be leather...I wonder what you will come up with? ;)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all the father's in my life...especially my Daddy and Jeff!!! Mason is one lucky little guy to have so many great men in his life to look up to.
Dad-I love you so much I thank God everyday that you are my dad. There is no one that compares to you and is as giving, understanding and selfless...that's why so many people love you. There is no doubt that Mason will feel the same:) Thank you for loving Jeff as your own son and being proud of who he is and what he does. Thank you most of all for being a honest Christian man who was, and still is, a light to Corey and I and also lots of other people in this world. We love you and look forward to getting to spend a lot of quality time with you this week:) Happy Father's Day!

Jeff-I thank God everyday that He gave me you:) You are a great husband and are already a great Dad. I know you already love Mason and cannot wait for him to be here. I love it when you talk to him...especially when you say "Mason, I am your father" in your Star Wars voice! I can't wait to see the two of you together! Mason and I love you and hope you have a great Father's Day!!!
Dad-I love you so much I thank God everyday that you are my dad. There is no one that compares to you and is as giving, understanding and selfless...that's why so many people love you. There is no doubt that Mason will feel the same:) Thank you for loving Jeff as your own son and being proud of who he is and what he does. Thank you most of all for being a honest Christian man who was, and still is, a light to Corey and I and also lots of other people in this world. We love you and look forward to getting to spend a lot of quality time with you this week:) Happy Father's Day!

Jeff-I thank God everyday that He gave me you:) You are a great husband and are already a great Dad. I know you already love Mason and cannot wait for him to be here. I love it when you talk to him...especially when you say "Mason, I am your father" in your Star Wars voice! I can't wait to see the two of you together! Mason and I love you and hope you have a great Father's Day!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Mommy and Mason Update:
Yesterday, I had my Week 26 Appointment with Dr. H and here is a brief update:
Yesterday, I had my Week 26 Appointment with Dr. H and here is a brief update:
Gained 2 pounds
Blood pressure looks great
Mason's heartbeat was 148
Mason is measuring 26 weeks and 1 day
He was breech again and the u/s tech decided to do a 4D so we could get a better picture of him...still too early to tell who he will look like:) She also said that his feet were right on my bladder...DUH!
Waiting on the results for my sugar test
We will start seeing the doctor every two weeks now
Mason is measuring 26 weeks and 1 day
He was breech again and the u/s tech decided to do a 4D so we could get a better picture of him...still too early to tell who he will look like:) She also said that his feet were right on my bladder...DUH!
Waiting on the results for my sugar test
We will start seeing the doctor every two weeks now
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 8 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I love my jean capris! I just bought my first maternity swimsuit for the beach...love it!
Best Moment this week: Jeff, my mother and I got to see Mason in 4D!
Gender: It's A Boy! - Mason Andrew
Movement: Mason likes to kick Mommy's ribs and when he is breech he loves to kick my bladder!
Food Craving: I love McDonald's ketchup!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 8 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I love my jean capris! I just bought my first maternity swimsuit for the beach...love it!
Best Moment this week: Jeff, my mother and I got to see Mason in 4D!
Gender: It's A Boy! - Mason Andrew
Movement: Mason likes to kick Mommy's ribs and when he is breech he loves to kick my bladder!
Food Craving: I love McDonald's ketchup!
What I miss: Lifting stuff and being able to do things without asking people to help me. Also, I miss working in my garden, but it's way too hot for me to do that this year!
Sleep: Starting to sleep more on my side...I bought a Boppy body pillow several months ago, but haven't used it lately...I guess I'll start:)
What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to the beach with my family, getting a pedicure and getting our painting done after we get back!!!
Belly Button: In for now, but it's close to popping out. The other night, Jeff and I laughed hysterically at the fact that every time I laugh my belly button looks like it will pop out at any minute...I gross my Dad out every time I talk about it. It's funny that my belly button has been the topic of conversation lately :)What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to the beach with my family, getting a pedicure and getting our painting done after we get back!!!
Shots: Yesterday, the doctor said to keep giving the shots in the stomach:( It's going to get more painful, but it will be worth it:)
Stretch Marks: No stretch marks so far! I'm lathering up with Bath and Body cream everyday!
Symptoms: I'm having pretty terrible heartburn! I had heartburn before pregnancy, but nothing like this...WOW! Also, my hips and back hurt daily:( but other than that...I've had a great pregnancy thus far!
It's still A BOY!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Are you a blog stalker? I am:) I love reading a couple of blogs of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth. Below is an idea that I borrowed from a blog I read. Melissa, if you are reading this...thanks for all your help with our nursery (bedding, paint, fabric). You are my inspiration!
How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 8 pounds (I'm sure that has changed since my last appointment :) Overall, I think I'm doing pretty good weight wise!
Maternity Clothes: I love maternity capris and dresses!
Best Moment this week: Mom and I ordered Mason's custom bedding!
Gender: It's A Boy! - Mason Andrew
Movement: Mason moves a lot! Some days he doesn't move as often because of the way he is laying, but most of the time he moves constantly and even on cue for his Daddy :)
Food Craving: Pre-pregnancy I was a HUGE fan of chocolate, but over the last several months I have had no desire for the dark stuff. Slowly, I've started craving it a little over the last week or so. Also, I've never been a milk drinker, but that has changed too. Now, I usually drink a cold glass of milk when I'm cooking or relaxing...WEIRD!
What I miss: Lifting stuff and being able to do things without asking people to help me.Total Weight Gain/Loss: 8 pounds (I'm sure that has changed since my last appointment :) Overall, I think I'm doing pretty good weight wise!
Maternity Clothes: I love maternity capris and dresses!
Best Moment this week: Mom and I ordered Mason's custom bedding!
Gender: It's A Boy! - Mason Andrew
Movement: Mason moves a lot! Some days he doesn't move as often because of the way he is laying, but most of the time he moves constantly and even on cue for his Daddy :)
Food Craving: Pre-pregnancy I was a HUGE fan of chocolate, but over the last several months I have had no desire for the dark stuff. Slowly, I've started craving it a little over the last week or so. Also, I've never been a milk drinker, but that has changed too. Now, I usually drink a cold glass of milk when I'm cooking or relaxing...WEIRD!
Sleep: I like to sleep on my side, but Mason moves more when I'm on my side. I mostly sleep on my back, and don't sleep as well as I used too:(
What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to putting the nursery together and my doctor's appointment on Monday...we have an ultrasound scheduled...YAY!!!
Belly Button: In for now, but it's close to popping out. The other night, Jeff and I laughed hysterically at the fact that every time I laugh my belly button looks like it will pop out at any minute...I gross my Dad out every time I talk about it. It's funny that my belly button has been the topic of conversation lately :)What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to putting the nursery together and my doctor's appointment on Monday...we have an ultrasound scheduled...YAY!!!
Shots: I'm still giving myself a shot everyday, but the task is getting a bit harder now that my stomach is stretching. The bruises are worse, but I'm hoping that the doc can recommend another option besides the stomach for now...it's beginning to be a little painful.
Stretch Marks: No stretch marks so far! I'm lathering up with Bath and Body cream everyday!
Symptoms: I'm having pretty terrible heartburn! I had heartburn before pregnancy, but nothing like this...WOW! Also, my hips and back hurt daily:( but other than that...I've had a great pregnancy thus far!(2)(3)(4).jpg)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What's In A Name?
Jeff and I are happy to announce that we have decided on a name for our little boy. His name shall be MASON ANDREW. Jeff and I have always liked the name "Mason" and "Andrew" is Jeff's middle name and his grandfather's who passed away before Jeff ever had the chance to meet him. Also, we like the fact that "Andrew" means "manly or warrior" and "Andrew" was the first apostle of Christ. The name "Mason" means "stone worker" which reminds me of my Dad because he is a contractor and works with stone, brick and block. It is nice to finally call him by name! We can't wait for Mason to arrive!!!
Mason's Mommy
Mason's Mommy
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Memorial Day and A Great Deal!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day. Jeff and I spent the weekend in NC with his family. Since Jeff's mom and step-dad live on a golf course...we spent Saturday at the pool while Jeff, his brother, Jimmy and step-dad, Allen played golf. I was telling Cathy (Jeff's mom) how nice it was to just spend the day relaxing by the pool while Avery, our niece, went swimming. On Sunday we spent the afternoon with Jeff's dad and step-mom. We went to church with them and ate lunch at their house. The church they attend is a large church with a great pastor and an awesome choir. It was nice because during the service they did a tribute to all the military and honored a mother and father who, recently, lost a son in Afghanistan. I couldn't help but think of our son, and how hard it would be to support him if he decided to join the military. Don't get me wrong...it would be a honor to have a son serving in the military, but the worry would be horrible weight to bear. I know that I would have to put him in God's hands if that is the career God calls him to pursue. God help me if that happens.
A couple of weeks ago, Mom and I went shopping and did some stopping on the way for YARD SALES! I LOVE YARD SALES!!! Actually, my entire family does! About 20 of us travel to IN to my aunt's house every year in June and we yard sale throughout different neighborhoods all weekend long! I'll never forget the first time Jeff went with us. Now, he wills and deals with the best of them! So...back to my story...after a couple of stops, mom and I found a lady with little boy clothes and this is a picture of everything we bought for $10...yes...I said $10! Like I said before...I LOVE YARD SALES!!!
BTW...I am 24 weeks and 1 day! Happy 6 months to us!!! Our life is going to be more hectic in the next several months. I start summer break tomorrow...and this month we will celebrate our 3 year wedding anniversary, Jeff's birthday, vacation with my family, painting and putting down new carpet, ordering furniture and baby bedding. Next month will be our Family and Friends baby shower! Exciting!!!
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