Mason met Santa for the first time and loved him! However, I am sure next year will be a different story;) Also, Mason's shirt says "Santa's Favorite"...I'm pretty sure he was;)
I can't believe Christmas is just a couple of weeks away! Even more, I can't believe I have a little one to spend it with this year:) You see, I have always loved Christmas. Ask anyone who knows me. I love the food (maybe too much at times;), decorations, Christmas plays, Christmas songs, and especially the time we get to spend with our families, but...2 years ago, Christmas, for me, changed. Two years ago, I miscarried a couple of weeks before Christmas. I couldn't understand why God would choose my favorite holiday for me to experience something so horrible. Christmas would never be the same.
What a blessing it has been to experience the joy of a newborn baby. It is awesome to know now, that even though I was discouraged and still very heartbroken last Christmas, that God was creating this prefect little boy in my belly. Isn't He wonderful? I can see now that God was teaching me the real reason for Christmas. It is about something so little, but yet so big...a baby:) A tiny baby that came into this world with a purpose. A purpose to bare our sins and die on a wooden cross. Even though I lost a child, I can't imagine what Mary must have been thinking when she gave birth to Jesus knowing His future...and how He would die. What a bittersweet moment for her. In having Mason this year, I know how special he is to me and can't even imagine how hard it was for Mary to give up Jesus. I admire her for being obedient, because I don't think that I could. .
So, this Christmas, we not only celebrate Jesus' birthday, but we will celebrate because we serve a faithful God who hears our every prayer. I am so thankful that He heard our prayer and is allowing us to be parents to a beautiful little boy:) He is the sweetest present!