Our first Easter with Mason is one that we will always remember! Last year, at Easter I was pregnant and didn't know if we were having a boy or girl. What a difference a year makes!
Our Easter festivites Sunday began with Mason (or Mommy) getting to open his Easter basket, then we attended my home church's Easter service. After that, we ate with the entire family at my uncle's house and then we went to my parents so Mason could open his basket from them... which included Mason having a taste of chocolate for the first time.
Mason and his first Easter basket
Daddy and Mason
Aunt Peppy showing Mason the cows
Aunt Peppy and Joseph
Family...feeding the cows
Daddy riding the four-wheeler
First taste of chocolate and, of course, he loved it!
Even though our Easter was busy, I took some time to reflect on the true meaning of the day. It is humbling to know that someone willingly gave their life for mine. This Easter, I am so thankful that I serve a living God who keeps His promises...who gave me my own son...who knows my hearts desire.
Mason's Easter attire included something old...my brother's bowtie:)