My cutie of a husband and I celebrated our 3 years together (total) on March 17th (I know I'm a little behind on my posting). So, I thought I would share some fun info about us.

What are your middle names? Jeff's is Andrew and mine is Leah...pronounced "Lee"
How long have you been together? 3 years total...and married 1 year and 9 months
How long did you know each other before you started dating? a couple of weeks
Who asked who out? Jeff asked me out...I never asked guys out (Thanks mom for that advice!)
How old were each of you when you met? I was 25 and Jeff was 30
How old are each of you now? I am 28 and Jeff is 33
How tall are each of you? I'm about 5'4 and Jeff is 6'1
How many siblings do each of you have? I have one younger brother and Jeff has an older brother
What do you both do for a living? I am a music teacher and Jeff coaches college baseball
What is something that people might find surprising about you both? I have a slightly deformed ear...and Jeff was drafted in 1999 by the Yankees organization
What about pets? We have 2 dogs...Doc and Charley
Are you from the same hometown? Nope. I'm from a small town in Kentucky and he is from North Carolina (Asheville area)
Who is the smartest? It depends on the subject...overall...I'd say Jeff...I hate math!
Who is the most sensitive? ME!
Where do you eat out most as a couple? La Esperanza...LOVE IT!
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Jamaica on our honeymoon
Who does the cooking? Me most of the time...he grills when we need something grilled...he's my "mean, lean grillin machine"
Who is more social? Me...most of the time
Who is the neat-freak? ME! ME!! ME!!! I have a mild case of OCD that flares up occasionally :)
Who hogs the bed? Jeff...okay...okay...I do...I like pillows!
Who wakes up earlier? Me
Who has the bigger family? Me
How do you spend the holidays? Right now, we try to spend the holidays with my parents, and then we travel to see his parents, brother and niece. However, once we have a child...I think that might change a little.
Do you have little pet names for each other? Sometimes...we call each other "babe" and sometimes I call Jeff...Jeffy and he calls me Chele.
How long did it take to get serious? Not long...he proposed after 7 months of dating...we were both ready.
Who eats more? Jeff...but I'm not far behind. He always makes fun of me because I don't like to share my food...big surprise!
Who sings better? ME...but Jeff has a good voice.
Who's older? Jeffy :)
Who does the dishes? Me...most of time...If I asked more, Jeff would probably do them more often.
Who snores? Jeff...when he is sick.
Who's better with the computer? Both of us can usually figure things out.
Who drives when you are together? Jeff a grandpa! LOL!!! He doesn't really...I just have a "heavy" foot
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Jeff...but I'm learning ;)
Who kissed who first? Jeff announced to me that he wanted to kiss me let him :)
ho eats more sweets? Jeff...WOW...does he like chocolate!?!
1 comment:
Cute post... Chris makes fun of me b/c I dont like to share my food either! ha ha! I am surios to know how the 2 of you me!
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