Friday, May 27, 2011

8 Months

Mason is 8 months old and doing all kinds of new things. It is so amazing to watch him experience this world for the first time. He is learning something new, it seems like everyday.

What is Mason up to?
*He is loving his walker
*He has specific toys that he really loves and when you give them to him it makes him smile
*He is already a typical boy and loves the dump truck that Papaw bought for him
*He loves to be outside and he likes to watch Doc (our dog)
*He likes to take a bath, but he HATES to burp
*He likes to touch people's face and if a woman is holding him, he always looks for her earrings and he looks all confused when someone is wearing a hat
*He says "mama" all the time and "dada" on most days
*He likes to throw his head back when he is upset about something (hoping he quits doing this soon)
*He cries when someone takes a toy away
*He sleeps beside us in his pack'n play and ends up in the bed with us by 3:00 am or 4:00 am
*He does really well in restaurants and loves to stare at people...he has captured the attention of many female waitresses at several different places we eat...they love on him every time we are there
*His first tooth has been "coming in" for several weeks and we are all praying it breaks through soon...for all our sakes!
*He still loves to nurse...I'm really going to miss this when it's time to stop:(
*He makes really funny faces when he eats something new...and usually gags a little
*He loves music and likes to watch "Elmo" on Daddy's iphone
*He reaches for things and people he's the sweetest thing ever!
I had to give him the remote to keep him still long enough to get some 8 Month pictures Loving his walker

Loves to be outside

Play time:)

Mason doesn't like it when someone takes his toy...watching Mason and Jospeh play is so funny

My little man:) Happy 8 Months Baby Boy!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mason's First Easter

Our first Easter with Mason is one that we will always remember! Last year, at Easter I was pregnant and didn't know if we were having a boy or girl. What a difference a year makes!

Going to see the Easter Bunny with Mommy and Daddy

The night before Easter...playing with his eggs!

Our Easter festivites Sunday began with Mason (or Mommy) getting to open his Easter basket, then we attended my home church's Easter service. After that, we ate with the entire family at my uncle's house and then we went to my parents so Mason could open his basket from them... which included Mason having a taste of chocolate for the first time.

Mason and his first Easter basket

Daddy and Mason

Aunt Peppy showing Mason the cows

Aunt Peppy and Joseph

Family...feeding the cows

Daddy riding the four-wheeler

First taste of chocolate and, of course, he loved it!


Even though our Easter was busy, I took some time to reflect on the true meaning of the day. It is humbling to know that someone willingly gave their life for mine. This Easter, I am so thankful that I serve a living God who keeps His promises...who gave me my own son...who knows my hearts desire.

Mason's Easter attire included something brother's bowtie:)



7 Months

My baby boy turned 7 months on the 17th! I can not believe it was 7 months ago that we met for the first time! I feel like he has been a part of me my whole life.

He loves chewing on his fingers! We think he is cutting teeth!

He has such a cute little smile:)
Mason loves, loves, loves feet and not just his! He loves to look at my toenail polish!
I can't believe that in less than 5 months this little guy will be one year old!



Monday, March 28, 2011

A Look Back...

I hope the next 6 months will go by a little slower.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time Is Flying By (6 Months)

It's so hard to believe that our little baby boy is already 6 months old! I guess my friends were right when they told me that Mason will grow up way too fast. He has already said "Mama"...he is sitting up...and he has also become more aware of his surroundings. He even smiles when I tell him "no no"...just like he knows he shouldn't be putting his fingers in his carrots! He smiles all the time and everyone tells us, even complete strangers, that he sure is a happy baby:) He makes us laugh...

In honor of his 6 month birthday, here is a list of 6 things about Mason as of now...

1. He loves to nurse and he loves carrots, pears and applesauce.
2. He loves his duck toy and cries if anyone takes it or another toy away!
3. He is very ticklish and sometimes gets to laughing so hard that you don't even have to tickle or touch him...he will just keep laughing.
4. He loves to jump! He loves the jumperoo at Daycare and the one at home.
5. He likes to snuggle next to someone and he sleeps with his little Ellie blanket and paci.
6. He is beginning to wiggle around on the floor like he "might" start making an effort to crawl.
*And he has just started shaking his head "no"!

Here are some 6 month pics...
