Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day of Spring

I wanted to share one of my favorite all time Christian songs. "Every Season" by Nichole Nordeman is one of the most beautiful songs. Just like the words in the song...even as God is changing the season...he is also changing us. Such a beautiful thought :)
[The song should be playing on my playlist at the bottom of the page.]

Every Season

By Nichole Nordeman

Every evening sky, an invitation

To trace the patterned stars

And early in July, a celebration

or freedom that is ours

And I notice You In children’s games I

n those who watch them from the shade

Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder

You are summer

And even when the trees have just surrendered

To the harvest time

Forfeiting their leaves in late September

And sending us inside

Still I notice You when change begins

And I am braced for colder winds

I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come

You are autumn

And everything in time and under heaven

Finally falls asleep

Wrapped in blankets white, all creation

Shivers underneath

And still I notice you

When branches crack

And in my breath on frosted glass

Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter

You are winter

And everything that’s new has bravely surfaced

Teaching us to breathe

What was frozen through is newly purposed

Turning all things green

So it is with You

And how You make me new

With every season’s change

And so it will be

As You are re-creating me

Summer, autumn, winter, spring


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy 3 Years

My cutie of a husband and I celebrated our 3 years together (total) on March 17th (I know I'm a little behind on my posting). So, I thought I would share some fun info about us.

What are your middle names? Jeff's is Andrew and mine is Leah...pronounced "Lee"

How long have you been together? 3 years total...and married 1 year and 9 months

How long did you know each other before you started dating? a couple of weeks

Who asked who out? Jeff asked me out...I never asked guys out (Thanks mom for that advice!)

How old were each of you when you met? I was 25 and Jeff was 30

How old are each of you now? I am 28 and Jeff is 33

How tall are each of you? I'm about 5'4 and Jeff is 6'1

How many siblings do each of you have? I have one younger brother and Jeff has an older brother

What do you both do for a living? I am a music teacher and Jeff coaches college baseball

What is something that people might find surprising about you both? I have a slightly deformed ear...and Jeff was drafted in 1999 by the Yankees organization

What about pets? We have 2 dogs...Doc and Charley

Are you from the same hometown? Nope. I'm from a small town in Kentucky and he is from North Carolina (Asheville area)

Who is the smartest? It depends on the subject...overall...I'd say Jeff...I hate math!

Who is the most sensitive? ME!

Where do you eat out most as a couple? La Esperanza...LOVE IT!

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Jamaica on our honeymoon

Who does the cooking? Me most of the time...he grills when we need something grilled...he's my "mean, lean grillin machine"

Who is more social? Me...most of the time

Who is the neat-freak? ME! ME!! ME!!! I have a mild case of OCD that flares up occasionally :)

Who hogs the bed? Jeff...okay...okay...I do...I like pillows!

Who wakes up earlier? Me

Who has the bigger family? Me

How do you spend the holidays? Right now, we try to spend the holidays with my parents, and then we travel to see his parents, brother and niece. However, once we have a child...I think that might change a little.

Do you have little pet names for each other? Sometimes...we call each other "babe" and sometimes I call Jeff...Jeffy and he calls me Chele.

How long did it take to get serious? Not long...he proposed after 7 months of dating...we were both ready.
Who eats more? Jeff...but I'm not far behind. He always makes fun of me because I don't like to share my food...big surprise!

Who sings better? ME...but Jeff has a good voice.

Who's older? Jeffy :)

Who does the dishes? Me...most of time...If I asked more, Jeff would probably do them more often.

Who snores? Jeff...when he is sick.

Who's better with the computer? Both of us can usually figure things out.

Who drives when you are together? Jeff a grandpa! LOL!!! He doesn't really...I just have a "heavy" foot

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Jeff...but I'm learning ;)

Who kissed who first? Jeff announced to me that he wanted to kiss me let him :)

ho eats more sweets? Jeff...WOW...does he like chocolate!?!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mr. Squirrel...A.K.A. "Road Kill"

Monday morning on my way to work, I was minding my own business, listening to Kari Jobe's CD and enjoying the beautiful drive. As I was singing and doing a little worshiping, I noticed a squirrel sitting in the road ahead of me. As the daughter of an avid hunter of all sorts, I have been taught to enjoy nature and the beauty of the animals within. So, I was admiring Mr. Squirrel as I drove closer and closer. Mr. Squirrel was not just any squirrel...he was "plump", a beautiful dark brown color with a long, flowing, bushy tail. He was sitting in the middle of the road just enjoying his breakfast snack of acorns. The closer my Jeep came to the squirrel the longer he seemed to stare my way. As if to say, "You are ruining my peaceful breakfast!" Just as a was passing the squirrel I heard and felt a "PLUMP". "OH NO! Did I just run over the little guy?" I thought to myself. I frantically looked in my rear view mirror and there he was..."I killed him!" I have to admit that I have been a little emotional lately (noted by my husband) and I did shed a tear or two at the thought that I killed a helpless squirrel who thought it was going to be just another ordinary day. For the rest of my drive I could not figure out why the little guy never moved. The truth is, I didn't try to avoid him because I just knew he would run scared, as squirrels usually do. The only conclusion that I could come up with is........THOSE ACORNS MUST'VE BEEN REALLY GOOD!!! Unfortunately, I have passed by Mr. Squirrel (R.I.P.) everyday since Monday...I sure wish some hungry fox or coyote would come by and scoop him up.

As I am writing this post, I am reminded that life is a fragile thing. Although death is often viewed as something terrible and sad, for Christians, it should be a celebration. In the Bible it says "to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord." The truth is that no one wants to see our loved ones pass away, but we can take comfort in knowing their eternal destination and the promise that we will see them again someday.

If you are reading this and have not asked Jesus into your life, please don't wait until it is too late. Don't leave your loved ones with the uncertainty of your eternal destination. Jesus loves you and no matter where you are or what you have done...He will forgive you...if you would only ask.

P.S. The picture of the squirrel above is not Mr. Squirrel. This picture was taken a few months ago...probably a cousin.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Both mommy and baby are doing well!

Belated Birthday Post

My mother celebrated her birthday with us on Sunday night (March 8th). Although I can make a pretty delicious cheesecake...I decided to take the easy way out and get her a cheesecake from the grocery store. Don't was just as good! Okay, maybe mine is a little bit better...cause I make mine with a little love :) I ate the last piece of "sweet goodness" this morning for breakfast. Now, you might be 6 day old cheesecake still good? Oh, let me tell you...IT IS! :) There is nothing like cheesecake to get your day started off right!

Happy Belated Birthday post to my momma!


First Signs of Spring

Six more days until Spring!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Update on Dad

Dad got out of the hospital tonight (Thank you, God!). However, his heart is still having rhythm issues, so, he is having to take a blood thinner for several days and a new medication. The doc is hoping that his heart will go back to it's normal rate on it's own without having to be "shocked" back into rhythm. Keep the prayers coming...and thanks to those who have already been praying... may the Lord bless you.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Prayer Request

My dad was put in the hospital today so please say a special prayer for him.


Friday, March 6, 2009

House For Sale

No not our house....

My parents are in the process of building a house to sale. If you know me personally, then you know that my dad is a contractor. This is a trade that he learned from my grandfather and my dad is such a perfectionist when it comes to work [Side note: I get my mild case of OCD from him].

Even though my parents live about 10 minutes away and the house they are building is only seconds from mine (same neighborhood) I haven't got to spend much time with them. Mom stays pretty busy picking out paint colors, tile (I helped) and carpet...and dad...well...he does everthing else :)

The house they are building is a 2,100 square feet one story, with 3 bedrooms (including master with bath and large walk-in closet), 2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, mud room, plenty of closets, 2 car garage with storage room, and attic. If you are interested and live in the area contact me through e-mail and I will put you in contact with my dad.

Thanks and warmest,

The Big 4!

Yesterday, we celebrated Wendy's little boy's fourth birthday at a pizza place here in town. Wendy is a friend that I have known for almost a year now and has become one of my dearest. She has been there for me through a couple of "rough patches" and I owe her a lot. Her son, Cameron is one of the funniest kids ever and never stops for a second. He cracks me up because he is obsessed (truly obsessed) with two things 1.) Thomas the Train and 2.) Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. So, it is no surprise that his party theme was "Thomas." And no, he didn't have a PB&J cake. Although, that sounds kinda good :) By the way, just to let you know how great of a mother Wendy is....she threw Cameron two parties yesterday and she is 8 1/2 months pregnant. Whoa Momma! When Cameron was finished unwrapping his presents she said that she felt a "cramp" so...I might be posting pics of little Cooper is a couple of days :)

On a side note, I will be traveling this weekend to watch the Railsplitters play Catawba...wish us luck!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend Recap

This morning at about 6:00 am, I received a text message from our local news station saying that our school system cancelled school for the day (due to snow). After calling my mother, who is also a teacher, I went back to bed. She called me about 10 minutes later and said that the local stations had not cancelled school yet. So, I got up to check the local stations and turned on the computer to check the website of the news stations that sent me the text (thinking to myself that it would be my luck to have gotten the text as an error or something). Just as mom and I were talking about whether we should start getting ready or not....our county's name flashed on the screen and school was cancelled. Praise God!!! I needed a day of rest after a busy weekend. I thought weekends were suppose to be peaceful and relaxing?!?!

Just to recap my weekend...

--Friday consisted of two baseball games, which lasted until 12:00 am. So after work, I went to the tanning bed (Note to self: After 15 minutes...turn over or your backside will be scorched!!!), then I was off to the games (Another note to self: Never drink a S'mores Cappuccino again!!!).

--Saturday--because of the weather, Jeff was up early trying to make a decision on whether the last game of the weekend series could be played at any point of the day-Decision was made to play the game on Sunday. So, just as I was getting up...Jeff was going back to bed. Later that day we met our friends Travis and Wendy and their "soon to be" four-year-old son, Cameron for dinner and then we went to the LMU basketball game.

--Sunday--Jeff got up early to go to the field and get ready for the game while I went to church, out to eat with the fam (as usual) and went with my parents to the baseball game. After the game, Jeff and I went to Pizza Hut and then back home to chill. We were both tired and still freezing from the we were in bed by 10:00 pm.

Although I have to sit through some pretty rough games because of the weather or just the stress of being behind in runs...I love being a coach's wife! My top five reasons for being a coach's wife are...

1. The husband in a uniform ;)

2. When Jeff is traveling I always love it when he comes home and I can't wait to get a hug and kiss.

3. The pride I feel for my husband and his team after they have won.

4. I get to watch my husband do something he enjoys.

5. I get my EDS degree free and admission to all the games (including away games) :)

Here is a pic of Jeff coaching 3rd base this weekend...I just love his guts!
