Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mason Turns 2 Months

Mason is growing like CRAZY! We had his 2 Month checkup today and he is progressing right on schedule. Mason gained 2 1/2 lbs. in one month! He currently weighs 12.75 lbs. and I am strictly nursing him so I am pretty proud of that! On a sad note, our baby boy had to have 3 shots today:( He cried each time and I teared up a little also. Overall, everything went well and we have a healthy little man:)

Poor baby:(

  • I am happy to report that Mason is sleeping through the night! Jeff gives him a bath at 9:30 and either Jeff feeds him a bottle (from my morning pump:) or I nurse him. Then, we put him in his crib and he usually wakes up about 6:00 am...I nurse him again...and he sleeps until 8:00 or 9:00.
  • He still loves his mobile, playmat and swing
  • He is captivated by lights, ceiling fans and anything that plays music
  • He is starting to be more vocal and laughs
  • He loves his bath and being naked:)
  • His most favorite thing is for people to talk to him...he loves it!
  • He is holding his head up for longer periods of time
  • He doesn't seem to like laying on his stomach
  • He is beginning to take a paci more often
  • He is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread:)

Mason and his new friend:)

My little ham:)

"It's been a long-hard day"

Mr. Photogenic at 7 weeks

Mason's nursery curtains are finally finished! I love them:)


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